June 17

*Sponsors, Speakers, Philanthropist Delegates and Changemaker Delegates
18:30 – 21:30 | Welcoming cocktail

Venue: Casino Maltese, 247 Republic St, Valletta, Malta

June 18

Networking Breakfast
Open to all delegates
8:00 – 9:00

Venue: The Phoenicia Malta, The Mall FRN1478, Floriana, Malta

Opening Remarks
9:00 – 9:30

Session I

All Parents for Inclusive Management

9:30 – 10:45
Companies are required to develop a genuine strategy that leads to equality between women and men (understood in their diversities) and to do so, adopt a comprehensive policy. At the heart of this equality policy, parenthood holds a primordial place: indeed, it is around this subject that Society has been built with its share of limiting beliefs and stereotypes.
In order to deconstruct this ultra-gendered vision, companies are implementing actions aimed at redefining the rules of the game. It is about no longer penalizing young women based on a presumption of possible maternity or subsequently, mothers on the pretext that they would be less available or even less committed to their professional project.
This deconstruction cannot be complete and fair without the full and active participation of fathers and without taking into account new forms of family organization.
By placing parenthood at the heart of the change mechanism in organizational structures, companies are establishing new social rules: coverage of maternity and paternity leave, co-parenting, recognition of the role of the caregiver, implementation of childcare assistance systems, consideration of breastfeeding, leave for sick children, academic support or parental coaching… not forgetting, of course, the difficult and sometimes painful situation of single-parent families, which, it should be recalled, are on average in the world composed of more than 80% of women raising their child(ren) alone.
Discover our todays’ Inspiring Speakers sharing how they are supporting establishing a new framework of progress and inclusiveness in their respective corporations and entities. How the best practices in management are linked to innovation and human values and how they reflect positively on overall human resources and talents.


Session II

Women in Entrepreneurship: an Inspirational Journey

11:00 – 12:30
Inclusion is not just about having different people in the room, especially when it comes to AI. Of course, it is important to train more women in computer skills in order to have mixed teams. But above all, it is crucial to have a shared vision of the world between women and men in the design of AI tools.
The project to propose inclusive coding that redefines the social contract will be debated during this round table, which will propose paths for a sustainable future.
Coding is shaping a better world. By leveraging their coding skills, individuals and organizations can bring about positive change, strengthen communities, and create a more inclusive and equitable society.
Discover our todays’ Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs sharing their insights, challenges and recommendations, as well as their stories and visions on how to achieve a sustainable journey as a Women Entrepreneur.

Networking Lunch
*Sponsors, Speakers, Philanthropist Delegates, Changemaker Delegates
12:30 – 14:00

Session III

Women in Governance: Shaping a Better Future for All

14:00 – 15:30
According to the UN, although balanced political participation and power-sharing between women and men in decision-making is the internationally agreed target set in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, data show that women are underrepresented at all levels of decision-making worldwide and that achieving gender parity in political life is far off.
Women demonstrate political leadership by working across party lines through parliamentary women’s caucuses and by championing issues of gender equality, such as the elimination of gender-based violence, parental leave and childcare, pensions, gender-equality laws, and electoral reform. Moreover, women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public life are proven essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Discover our Inspiring Women ChangeMakers sharing how they are challenging status quo and fostering sustainable development and progress to be implementing the evolution of laws, policies and overall governance to Shape a Better Future for All.

Session IV

Inclusive Coding for a Better World 

15:30 – 16:30
Inclusion is more than having diverse people in the room; being mindful of workplace verbal language is also about how one interacts with the world. What you say and how you write can be a hectic journey through workplace true inclusion.
From leveraging open-source tools to repressing in-house discriminative verbal communication, which often extend far beyond gender and make you feel ‘othered’ by just shedding an unnecessary spotlight and attention to breakdown of gender like “you’re the only female in the room”, provides genuine growth opportunities. Coding is about shaping a better world. By leveraging coding skills, individuals and organizations can drive positive change, empower communities, and create a more inclusive and equitable society.
Discover our Inspiring Speakers and Innovators sharing how they are encouraging disruptive innovation in matter of AI, IoT and Web3 and how a new world of inclusiveness is opening on the path ahead thanks to Inclusive Coding.

Relaxation Garden – Special Energy Session
16:30 – 17:30


SIGEFWomen Summit Awards
Open to all delegates

Closing Remarks

SIGEFWomen Summit Private Dinner*
*Sponsors, Speakers, Philanthropist Delegates

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